Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snow Flakes

Snow Flakes on blue with white designs. Here is a perfect design for winter! For the snow flake do a large cross on the middle of the toenail, then do another cross in the spaces. Add Vs at the end of the lines for the snow flake look. Throw in 3 little dots to spice up the nail.

Steph, I put little snow flakes on Maddie's toe nails too!!!!!!! What do you have on yours now? I have candy canes on my finger nails!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Zig Zag, Dots, and Line

Zig Zag, Dots, and a Line. This design would be perfect for Easter time, but I always seem to do this on other people in the fall. So I guess it can be a design for whenever you feel like it.


Argyle toes are one of my fav skills you taught me and I think they're perfect for the fall/winter. Here is the most recent color combination I did.
Purple base, 2 pink, and 1 white diamond, and turquoise Xs.

Side Flower

A cute way my mother in law had her nails done. I am going to try it soon!


SO I was camping and saw a girl in the bathroom with toenails similar to this (she had done triangles on all 4 sides of the nail and I only did 2 though), we had a fun convo and I learned a new toe nail trick!!! Pictured are Becca Bradshaw's nails after I did them in Flagstaff, Az. 
I did a gray base and turquoise triangles. 

Tips with Dots

Turquoise base, light blue tips, and white dots along the light blue tips. Just a fun way to spice up a simple nail job.

French Tip-colored

Blue French Tip nails (not toe nails hehehe), with a silver border. Rarely, will I paint my nails because they chip so easily, but figured I should share! Can do french tips with all different colors to make it more fun!


Watermelons are perfect around the 4th of July!!! 

I am using your pic Steph, cuz it's better than mine. Do a red background, green tip, and white border in between the green and red. Then put 5 black dots for the seeds with a little white dot in em to make them pop!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Ghosts

Halloween Ghosts on Purple with the word BOO.

So I went to the Idaho State Fair over the summer and bought Migi Nail Art Pens and absolutely LOVE them!! They are kind of expensive but I use them all the time! That is how I wrote boo and did the ghosts. I am not sure it would have turned out as well without them. You should check them out!

Monday, October 21, 2013


Flags for the 4th of July or 24th of July or Memorial Day. Lots of uses! And I love the flags!

Lines and Dots.

Lines and dots. It seems like pink, white and black are my favorite ;0)

Simple Lines

Simple lines. Simple, but cute.

Valentine Toenails

Valentine toenails. Aww! Cute!

Argyle Toes!

Argyle toes! Three diamonds with Xs overtop of them. Simple as that.

Flower Power!!

Flower power!! Flowers are pretty much my go to when it comes to toenails. Perhaps it is because they are easy, or it is because a flower works for Spring and Summer! And simply because they are cute ;0)

The flower in the first, third and last picture is made by making five semi-large dots in a circle, and then using a toothpick, pulling the center of the dots into the middle of the circle of flowers. Simple as that.

Easter Nails

Easter nails. Adorable chick, bunny, egg, carrots and flowers.

Halloween Pumpkin

These toenails kill me! I love them! If only I were that talented. My amazing Aunt Lisa, the artist, did these amazing pumpkins in a night scene. So cute!

Purple with Lines and Dots

Lines and dots on purple. (I don't know how to describe these any other way. I am open to suggestions.)

Spider webs and Spiders on Purple

You can also do the webs and spiders on purple, but i wouldn't suggest it ;0) If you had a lighter purple or a light green it might be cute tho. (note: i forgot to give the spiders white eyes.)

Spider webs and Spiders on Orange

Spider webs and spiders on orange make the perfect Halloween toenails.